Photo: Eirik Havnes
Inspired by the visual, narrative and atmospheric world of film, Delish aspires to create a cinematic, associative experience through their music. They wish to create distinct, conseptual projects that explore specific ideas be it sound, form, meaning or other, being open minded to what sound the band can have at any given time. As well as their instruments, synth, drums, bass, electronics and voice, they also use fieldrecordings and other unexpected sounds, sampled and tossed into the mix, infinitely expanding the associative palate, precisely conjuring recognizable, though somewhat off-kilter, realities. Where this meets alternative, art pop is where Delish create their audetive work.
The band wishes to work specifically with the live performance and the recorded material in different ways. Working with space, visuals and form they seek to create a type of sitespecific - be it not site, but rather happening-specific- concerts, giving their music the possibilety to live, change and develope in the livesetting.
The band consists of Johan Lindvall - synths, Magnus Skavhaug Nergaard - bass, electronics, Martin Langlie - drums, Natali Abrahamsen Garner - vocals, tekst, efx.
Like A Sieve (Sheep Chace Records 2024)
‘Like a Sieve er virkelig en fornøyelse for øret og det handler hovedsakelig om det sofistikerte lydarbeidet til de fire musikerne og miksingen til Lasse Marhaug’
Maria Lokna, Morgenbladet
‘Delish har gitt ut et av høstens mest bejublede album, Like a Sieve. En ru perle som byr på tøffende, tålmodig indiepop: stillferdige trommer, surklende orgler, søkende, langstrakte melodier med overrumplende vokalharmonier. Jo, og et lyddesign hvor det drypper og putrer i krokene.’ - Filip Roshauw, Now´s the time
Mixed by Lasse Marhaug
Mastered by Stephan Matieu
Cover: Dovile Puzinaite
Produced: Natali Abrahamsen Garner
‘Delish byr på noe av det mest spennende som finnes av norsk indie-pop. 5/6' Tor Hammerø, Nettavisen
'Delish si ferske 'Like a Sieve' er eksperimentell popnytelse i langform....Natali Abrahamsen Garner og pianist/tangentist Johan Lindvall har, saman med bassist Magnus Skavhaug Nergaard og trommeslagar Martin Langlie skapt eit lydlandskap frå dei villaste draumar.' - Torkjell Hovland, Ballade
'Heldigvis trenger man lite bakgrunnsinformasjon for å kunne nyte lydene de lager som Delish, dette er musikalsk samtidskunst som ikke trenger støtte seg til veggtekster. Det går rett inn.' - Audun Vinger, Dagens Næringsliv.
THE SPACE (Single) 2024
Mixed by Lasse Marhaug
Mastered by Stephan Mathieu
Cover: Photo by Ingri Enger Damon, Artwork: Natali Abrahamsen Garner and Magnus Skavaug Nergaard
Mixed by Lasse Marhaug
Mastered by Stephan Matieu
Cover: Maja Nilsen
The Dip (Sheep Chase records, 2022)
’The Dip’ is a varied release combining filmatic soundscapes (sometimes nodding towards Twin Peaks), field recordings and impressively beautifully dreaming alternative pop tracks with Garner’s enchanting vocals floating on top of otherworldly melodies and hypnotizing beats - peaking at the EP closing track "Deep Blue Yonder". A voice that carries a force that makes us listen even when the melodies aren’t present, and the words are uttered softly with a sincere calm. An art project with a sense of pop melodies makes the debut more accessible to a broader audience - even at its most experimental. A rare quality we should all embrace.
Delish have put together a truly mesmerizing work playing with pop elements just as much as they take us further out on sound excursions the trio’s members might be more known for in other projects.
Like a sieve - Performance (2021)
In 2021 Delish starte working on the project ‘Like a Sieve’ a concertpreformance where they wished to to explore the themes of water, sea, flow and constant change both musically, in form, text and texture. The project started as part of Natali Abrahamsen Garners Master in Theatre. In a visual, spatial and musical meeting, the performance was an attempt to find a form where the elements came together for a common, associative narrative, on the premises of the music and sound.
The performance premiered in mai 2021. The music that started for this performance, has now become the music one can find on the album with the same name.
Pictures from mai 2021, by Jenny Berger Myhre. Performers: Johan Lindvall, Magnus Skavhaug Nergaard, Ingrid Damon, Natali Abrahamsen Garner.
Idea, concept, scenografi, costume & perfromer: Natali A. Garner
All music by Delish
Mixed by Marcus Forsgren
Mastered by Magnus Kofoed
Cover art: Magnus S. Nergaard & Natali A. Garner
EDEN (Earthly Habbit, 2016)
The band, then consisting only of Johan Lindvall and Natali Abrahamsen Garner earlier released the single ’Eden’, which sensitively atomizes the uplifting feeling of relief and catapulting clarity experienced upon reaching an existential decision.